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Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Must be Stronger

Sometimes, when i cry, i need someone to hear what i feel, share all 'bout i do, but that is too difficult to do, each sadness and tears come to me, i dont know why i can't share to other. When i try to share, one regret also come n talk that i should not share bout sadness to other coz that will make other say 'how poor i'm'. Each i write 'bout my tears, i wishes thats all can be energy to me so that become stronger than before to face all struglle in front of me.

Mom, dad, thax 4 all, ur love make me survive in everything .

2 komentar:

  1. belajar buat jadi tegar itu memang butuh waktu. tapi pasti bisa kok :)
    lagian, kamu gak sendirian asal kamu memilih untuk gak sendirian. bukankah lebih baik berusaha untuk jadi lebih kuat bersama-sama orang yang kita percaya :)
